We Are Live!


Hello friends,

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this post! First of all, this is my first attempt at blogging, so this is new for me. Second, the fact that the idea to share Christ to the world has become a reality is unbelievable! It may seem little to you but I’m grateful for supposed “little things.” I pray I am faithful to this task of sharing the life-transforming message of Christ to the world as he has shown me and as I have learnt from others. I am a lover of Christ and a continuous seeker of his Kingdom so I feel blessed and honored to be doing this.

First things first, why 8minuteword.com?

From the last half of 2013, a restlessness to share the message of Christ to anyone who cared to listen became eminent. I had been applying some truths revealed to me from the Bible and the results were astonishing, which I will be sharing here. With this burning desire to reach out came opportunities, one of which was a mail I received from the office of the President of Oral Roberts University (“ORU”), Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the 8th of November 2013. Let me tell you about this unbelievable mail.

I am a Master of Divinity student at ORU and had just returned from a speaking engagement with prospective graduate students of the school. I was still recovering from the excitement of sharing my testimony with them. Just then, I received an email without checking who it was from. It read that I had been selected with three other students to be part of the first ever Preach-A-Thon chapel service of ORU. My heart skipped a beat and I thought it was a joke at first, but when I saw it was from the President’s office I froze in my chair! Every bone in me shook without my permission! What was I going to say? I had never spoken to more than five hundred people not to think of more than three thousand! Most especially, I was about to speak to a multitude of people of a different race—a first for me—a Nigerian. “Would they understand my accent?” “Would my communication be relevant to them?” These are a few of the million thoughts that went through my mind! I would have been very excited for the Rapture to have taken place to put an end to the misery I was experiencing. However, the rest is history (I will give you details of what happened later).

We were given a time slot of eight minutes to share any sermon laid on our hearts, and God did awesome (Click here to watch). I return all glory to Him. However, after that experience, I felt impressed to do same on a platform to the world. Blogging came to mind and so here am I. Hence, 8minuteword.com is an overflow of what Christ did through me on the 15th of November 2013. I will be sharing the life transforming message of Christ in eight minutes or less, meaning each post will be clear, simple and straight to the point.

I believe I have exceeded my time limit…oops. But this is an inaugural post so please understand and forgive me.



You can call me “Lade,” pronounced as “Láday.”