Nothing Can Stop You


Each time there is an emerging generation, the kingdom of evil is threatened because therein lies world changers and solution bearers. As a result, war is waged against such a generation to stop its people from fully becoming who God created them to be. For example, in Exodus 1, Pharaoh of Egypt was threatened by the new generation of Israelites, which resulted in him killing many children. In that generation, Moses was divinely spared, and God used him to deliver the Israelites from Egypt’s oppression. Similarly, in Matthew 2, Herod was threatened by Jesus Christ’s generation, leading to the killing of many children. He wanted Christ dead but an angel alerted Joseph of Herod’s evil scheme.

I want to inform you today that the same way Moses and Christ’s destinies could not be stopped by evil or any form of opposition, your’s cannot be stopped too. Why do you think you have been able to survive life’s difficulties? Why do you think the molestation and abuse you faced did not destroy you, even though you thought it did? Why do you think the divorce or separation did not rewrite your destiny? Why do you think the sickness or disease did not kill you? The kingdom of evil was/is surely out to get you but God has been faithful and is still fighting for you! It may not have been an easy journey but you are still here. For that, be thankful to God and keep walking. You are unstoppable.

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for your immense love and protection of my life. I cannot imagine how on earth I am still here, after all I have been through, but I thank you for your grace. I may not have all the answers but I know you are working out something great for me.

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