Why Is My Prayer Not Working?


Trust me, I have seen all kinds of prayers from people of all backgrounds. From prayers shorter than a blink, to prayers that would put an insomniac to sleep. I have seen people pray so quiet that a graveyard will sound too loud, to prayers were people scream, jerk and turn their necks intensely that you fear they might have a dizzy spell. Please do not misinterpret what I mean. There is no prescribed style of prayer. We have a heavenly father who is gracious and swift to hear our prayers irrespective of how they are said.

In the place of prayer, I felt the Lord say something that is basic but yet profound.

The most effective form of prayer is not limited to the mannerisms of words used, or its length, but your actions afterwards. Do your actions align with what you have said to me? If they do, then it implies that you trust and believe me. You can be rest assured that I have heard your prayers. On the contrary, as much as I want to hear your prayers and answer them, I cannot do so if your actions are inconsistent with what you have said to me.

This is so true. We ask God for a healing and afterwards we go around confessing to others that we are sick. We pray for someone who has hurt us, and afterwards we go around speaking evil against such a person. We become frustrated because our prayers are ineffective. The time and energy invested in prayers are wasted as a result of our subsequent actions.

From today, regardless of how you pray, let your actions show that you believe what you have said to God. You can be rest assured that your big dad in heaven will answer your prayers.

But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer. Psalm 66:19.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:23-24.

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