3 Facts You Should Know…


3 Facts You Should Know About Who You Are In Christ.

1. You are blood bought. Christ offered his life for you on the Cross of Calvary. He paid for your sins with his precious blood, erasing all your indebtedness to the evil one. His incorruptible and priceless blood tremendously increased your value when the purchase was made (1 Peter 1:18-19). You are no longer a slave to sin and the evil one but a son or daughter of the reigning and living one!

2. You are the righteousness of Christ. Not only did Christ purchase you with his blood, he washed away your filth and sins. Prior to the purchase, you were full of sin, which separated you from God. God is holy and cannot stand sin, but the precious blood of Christ cleansed all your sins. When God sees you, he sees his son, Jesus Christ, because Christ’s blood clothes you. As a result, you can come into God’s presence without guilt or condemnation because he sees you as righteous.

3. You are heavily loaded. When Christ took control your life, he did not just leave you all alone by yourself. His holy spirit in dwelt you. The Holy Spirit leads and guides you in all you do. He is so powerful that evil flees at his presence. This means you carry dynamite in you! If a fully loaded double barrel gun is left carelessly without adequate precaution, it is a potential danger. So also, every malevolent power has to take precaution when they come in contact with you because of what you carry internally.

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4

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