What Do You See In This Image? Take A Closer Look

tumblr_mtuhifZoIf1sge992o1_1280Image: chaseblood.tumblr.com

What do you see in this image of a forest? Take a closer look. You can see a wooden path or road, right? You can also see it is broken midway, right? If you look further, you can see the end of the road.

Gotcha! It is not! To the human eye, it appears to be the end of the road but in reality, it is a road bend.

God wants me to tell you that at the moment you might be experiencing a very challenging stage of your life, which you think is your end but ROAD BEND IS NOT ROAD END. It may seem like you are approaching the end of the road but be encouraged dear friend, it is not over yet. Get ready, for your situation is about to change for good. Stay on track, you will not be crushed or destroyed.

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

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