OMG…I Never Knew God Gave Love-bites!


Psalm 23 is a very popular chapter in Christendom. At a very young age, I clearly remember being taught David’s “The Lord Is My Shepherd” psalm. To this day, it is still as fresh as when I first memorized it. However, I believe sometimes overfamiliarity leads to a loss in the core value of a thing, which consequently results in it being powerless.

While at a Hebrew class, my מורה (“Morah,” which means female teacher/professor) explained Psalm 23 in a unique way unknown to me. The sixth verse especially stood out. Word of advice-There is no better way to understand a text than to refer to it in its original language.

Many translations of the Bible read Psalm 23:6 as, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me . . .” but I discovered something that really blessed my heart after looking it up in the Hebrew Bible.

A common word used in many translations is “Follow.” The word translated as “Follow” is יִרְדְּפוּנִי (“yirdepuni”) in Hebrew text. יִרְדְּפוּנִי is derived from the root word רָדַף (“radaph”). The meaning of רָדַף is “pursue” or “chase,” similar to a dog-chase. “Pursue” has a stronger connotation, and is more intense than “follow” or “accompany.” When a dog attacks, it pursues until it gets its victim. The same word “Pursue” is used for God’s goodness and mercy towards his people. This means God’s goodness and mercy would pursue you and hunt you down, until it gets you.

God’s love for us is so intense that…

Whether we like it or not, his goodness and mercy will pursue us.

Whether we deserve it or not, his goodness and mercy will pursue us.

God’s goodness and mercy are complementary. His goodness reveals his merciful nature. They are part of him and wherever he is present, they are present. Since God is omnipresent, his goodness and mercy are omnipresent (Psalm 103:17). Thus, there is a definite assurance of God’s goodness and mercy for his people.

Irrespective of David’s shortcomings, he was convinced that God’s goodness and mercy were ever present and guaranteed for him. David was severely “bitten” by God’s goodness and mercy that he strongly concluded with the word “Surely” or “Indeed.” So from today, no matter where you have been or what you have done, you can be rest assured that surely God’s goodness and mercy will catch up with you, just like David. It is simply undeserved favor! Receive God’s love-bite!

Surely goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6.

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