Monthly Archive: March, 2014

Happy Mother’s Day to My Irish, British and Nigerian Family!

Though the Bible admonishes us to honor our parents, lets do something special for our mothers today. If you are currently not on good terms with your mother, I advise you to put… Continue reading

Wait A Minute, Have You Counted The Cost?

With time, I have come to realize an element of truth in the saying that empty vessels make the loudest noise. To take this a step further, those who make the loudest noise… Continue reading

When You Can’t Figure It Out

You may not have a reason for the challenging times you face but trust God today. You may not see how anything good will come out of your situation but trust God today.… Continue reading

A Guaranteed Solution To Your Anxiety and Worry

For some reason, of recent I have been getting anxious and worried. I actually thought anxiety and worry were natural signals your body gives you when something is not right. As a result,… Continue reading

Let Go and Let God.

You are not in control of your life. Your purpose in life is bigger than you can handle. Let go of anything that is holding you back today and let God begin to… Continue reading

Focusing On The Impossible Might Lead To Your Failure

I am sure you have heard times without number that focusing on the impossible compels you to achieve the impossible. Though this statement has some element of truth, I received a new understanding… Continue reading

BookMunch- The Blessed Life

Hey guys, in addition to sharing messages of Christ on, I will be introducing BookMunch. Each time I read a book and come across a part that stands out or speaks to me,… Continue reading

Turning Your Stumbling Blocks To Stepping Stones!

People function best with stable systems. However, when there is a threat to a person’s system, a common response is to be fearful, withdraw, live in denial or flee. These responses may be… Continue reading

The Parable of the Switch

Have you ever tried to turn a light switch on or off at the same time? It is totally impossible to do so. You can either turn it on or off. As I thought… Continue reading

The World Didn’t Give It To Me

Every human being requires strength—to move, carry out daily routines, lift heavy objects, study and much more. Strength is the state of having physical power and energy. It may also be described as… Continue reading