Turning Your Stumbling Blocks To Stepping Stones!


People function best with stable systems. However, when there is a threat to a person’s system, a common response is to be fearful, withdraw, live in denial or flee. These responses may be demonstrated through excessive medication, alcohol, sex, depression, denial, etc. One of the reasons why people react adversely to stumbling blocks is because they do not have the capacity to deal with them.

Once the threat is addressed, the stumbling block becomes a stepping stone; The person learns, grows, and uses such experience as a platform to help others. David overcame Israel’s enemy, Goliath, before he became king of Israel. Joseph overcame utter rejection by his family, accusation of rape and imprisonment before he became the most powerful official in Egypt, next to Pharaoh. Jesus Christ overcame suffering and death before he redeemed the world from sin and satan.

Friend, these three examples have some similarities. First, they could not solve these challenges using their intellect, will, emotion or power. Second, the stumbling blocks they faced were bigger than themselves. Third, they needed the help of someone bigger than the stumbling block. As a result, they enlisted the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our supreme source and solution for turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. John 14:26.

Let’s examine 3 phrases used in the text. Not to bore you with Greek words, I will explain their original meanings.

Holy Spirit: Called alongside as your partner to help you; Your advocate, who makes the right judgment/call because he is close enough to the situation.

Teach You: Imparts knowledge; disseminates information; Devises a plan and strategy for success.

All Things: Each, every, all; One piece at a time; Focuses on the parts making up the whole.

Putting the puzzle together, when faced with a stumbling block, your partner, the Holy Spirit, will tell you what to do, which may challenge your natural understanding. This is why David knew he was to use stones in battle, though natural understanding suggested that a sword and shield might have been a better option. Joseph was advised to run from his master’s wife, though natural understanding suggested sexual gratification. Jesus Christ was guided into enduring suffering, though natural understanding suggested he avoided the situation (he had the power to).

The Holy Spirit knows we cannot handle the weight of stumbling blocks and is readily available to assist us. Just like a fitness instructor, the weights might be too heavy for us to handle so he helps us. The muscle of a person grows larger by the increase in size of the weight. Bigger devils mean bigger levels! So from today, when challenges come your way, rejoice, because it is a sign that you are about to move up! Simply ask the Holy Spirit to help you. He will guide you as long as you cooperate with him. Someone once said tough times do not last but tough people do.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6.