Focusing On The Impossible Might Lead To Your Failure


I am sure you have heard times without number that focusing on the impossible compels you to achieve the impossible. Though this statement has some element of truth, I received a new understanding early one morning, concerning accomplishing the impossible. The Lord spoke these words to my heart; When you set your mind on the impossible you cannot achieve, you miss the possible you can achieve.

These words were revelatory. How true are they. The ambitious professional who focuses on becoming the chief executive of a fortune 500 company but misses the formative years of his young children and leaves his wife lonely. The minister of the Gospel who wants to have the largest ministry in the world but misses the testimony of one saved soul in his or her tiny church. As I type these words, what comes to mind is an ocean. We want to have an ocean but we forget that it takes drops of water to make the ocean. If you miss the drops, you ultimately miss the ocean.

So today, if you happen to be in this category, I suggest you take a step back and reassess your focus. Kindly do not misinterpret what I am saying. Seeing the impossible is vital in creating the vision. Without vision, people go nowhere (Proverbs 29:18). However, focusing on the impossible at the cost of the possible is detrimental. While achieving the possible, look to Jesus Christ to assist you in achieving the impossible. It is faith in Christ that enables you to get the job done. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrew 12:2.

Moreover, it is only through God that all things are possible.

With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God. Mark 10:27