A Guaranteed Solution To Your Anxiety and Worry


For some reason, of recent I have been getting anxious and worried. I actually thought anxiety and worry were natural signals your body gives you when something is not right. As a result, I said to myself that it was okay to be anxious and worrisome. Unfortunately, I was so wrong! The Lord corrected this misconception, which I will share with you.

He explained to me that when he created the world in Genesis 1, everything was good. In all areas, goodness flowed through his creation. Wherever goodness is present, evil is permanently blocked out. Adam and Eve never knew what anxiety and worry were, not to mention sickness or disease. They lived in joy, happiness, health and abundance. Unfortunately, when they listened to the evil one and disobeyed God’s command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, sin entered into the world (Genesis 1-3). With sin came death and it’s agents. The agents of death are sicknesses, diseases, anxiety and worry, to mention a few. Their purpose is to ultimately bring death to the victim. Do you know it is scientifically proven that anxiety and worry releases toxins into the human body, which result in diseases, such as cancer, leading to death?

To put an end to the evil one’s scheme to destroy humankind, God lovingly sent his only son Jesus Christ to the earth to save his children. Christ came to put an end to the evil schemes of the wicked one, which is to steal, kill and destroy. Christ brought abundant life! The only way Christ could do this was to introduce the Exchange Program. He exchanged humankind’s problems or curses for his blessings. We are blessed and not cursed! This is why Christ said in Matthew 11: 28, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. When you join the Exchange Program, Christ takes your anxiety and worry and gives you his. Do you know what his is? Unspeakable joy and peace! I advise you to get in the program if you are not!

The evil one is a bloody cheat who preys on ignorant ones! I am going to show you how to get out of anxiety and worry, just like I did. The answer is in Philippians 4:6.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God

Anytime you are anxious and worried about something, here is what to do:

  1. Talk to God about what is bothering you IMMEDIATELY. Not five minutes later but IMMEDIATELY. Tell him everything.
  2. Thank him for his faithfulness in sending his only son Jesus Christ with the Exchange Program for you.
  3. Tell him you exchange your anxiety and worry for his joy and peace that passes all understanding.
  4. Thank him for hearing you.

Watch what happens; you will feel a burden taken off you. When you do this consistently, I can GUARANTEE you two things. First, the agents of anxiety and worry will tell other agents to keep away from you because instead of them doing you harm, they are doing you good! (They make you pray frequently instead of crying and having a pity-party). Second, your prayer life will go to a whole knew level! When you talk to God each time anxiety and worry comes, your intimacy level through communication develops.

So from today, do not worry or get anxious because from the beginning God never meant for it to be so.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6.