Wait A Minute, Have You Counted The Cost?


With time, I have come to realize an element of truth in the saying that empty vessels make the loudest noise. To take this a step further, those who make the loudest noise about love—”oh I love this”…”oh my gosh i’m so crazy in love”…”I can’t move cos I’m stuck in love”—are sometimes the ones who do not have as much love as they profess. In the spur of the moment, when all is merry and it feels so right we are fast to make a profession of our love, without counting the cost. The excited and love-struck couple walking down the aisle, about to exchange vows—‘for better’—making beautiful babies and a wonderful home, holiday vacations, festive celebrations, and so on, but wait a minute, what happened to ‘for worse’?

Nearing his death, Christ made statements concerning his betrayal and arrest, which often left his disciples confused. In one of those statements, Peter enthusiastically interrupted Christ and loudly proclaimed uttermost allegiance till death to Christ. Like a mother responding to her child’s zeal without understanding, Christ told Peter he was to deny him thrice before the rooster crowed at dawn. The obvious occurred—Unfortunately, Peter blatantly denied Christ, with swearing and cursing, when the ‘for worse’ came (Matthew 26:31-35;69-75).

On a different incident, three Jewish men, Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego, were summoned before the King of Babylon for disobeying his orders to worship the idol created by the king. Risking being burnt alive, they boldly replied the king, Your threat means nothing to us. If you throw us in the fire, the God we serve can rescue us from your roaring furnace and anything else you might cook upO king [‘for better’]. But even if he doesn’t [‘for worse’], it wouldn’t make a bit of difference, O king. We still wouldn’t serve your gods or worship the gold statue you set up. Daniel 3:16-18.

One thing that amazes me is that these three guys already had a firm resolution and commitment to their God, which boasted the true meaning of love—more than words could ever speak. They said to themselves “We know God can show up for us, but if he doesn’t, it’s fine; nothing changes our love for him. We are committed to him and trust that everything will turn out for good.”

Dear friend, love, trust and commitment are partners. It is not just by mere profession of words or keeping up with appearances. It comes with a strong commitment to the person being loved. If I love this person, then I must have counted the cost—’for better’ and ‘for worse’—the good, bad and ugly that accompanies that one. Once I know the cost and take responsibility, my words now have authentic meaning and would be backed with corresponding action when the need arises.

This applies to our relationships with God and people. I know you are ready for God’s blessings, but are you also ready when tough times arise? Will you bail out or deny him when difficulties arise because they do not play out the way you anticipated, and He seems silent or distant? The same also applies to people. Are you happy to be with beauty during good times but flee when beauty momentarily becomes the beast? Or are you on cloud nine (love planet) when he is prince charming but will disappear faster than smoke when signs of the frog are showing? With its fast access to a variety of options, our generation sincerely needs to reevaluate its definition of love and commitment.

As I type this, my heart bleeds for it is a dark period for me. After years of prayers, fasting and great expectation for the healing of a very loved one who battled cancer, she went to be with the Lord. Even though I know she is in a better place, my faith is challenged. It might not have played out the way I anticipated but I know all things work together for good to them that love God. For better, for worse; I am committed, trust and love him. I TAKE MY STAND, I AM ALL IN.

So today, have you counted the cost?

If you have been blessed by this, please share. Someone might also need this who is hurting and about to give up. Thanks!