Monthly Archive: April, 2014

Beautiful Imperfections

You’re the Clay and God is the Potter… You may think you are too imperfect to be useful or do great things. God is saying to you that your imperfections will reveal your… Continue reading

Your Life Has Been Transformed!

As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ today, kindly know that you and I are the reason for his death. You and I are also the reason for his resurrection! His death… Continue reading

This Nail.

To you it is just a golf club, but in the hands of Tiger Woods it is $500 million. To you it is just a basketball but in the hands of Lebron James… Continue reading

Dial 911! Call Out For Help!

I was in a group discussion the other day as we talked about the importance of speaking the word of God boldly at all times when faced with temptation or challenging situations. Someone mentioned… Continue reading

BookMunch- Who Do You Love?

We are very comfortable loving people like us. Christ has called us to also love those who are not like us. Our world would be a better place when we step out of… Continue reading

What To Do When Faced With Tough Issues

Sometimes when confronted with life issues, there is a likelihood to be overwhelmed especially if a way out isn’t forthcoming. Decisions such as where to school, who to marry, where to work, what… Continue reading

Happy New Month of April!

It’s one day late but it’s better late than never! The fourth month of 2014, April, is here friends! I want to encourage you not to give up on hope. Hope in God,… Continue reading