Dial 911! Call Out For Help!


I was in a group discussion the other day as we talked about the importance of speaking the word of God boldly at all times when faced with temptation or challenging situations. Someone mentioned Christ’s temptation experience in Matthew 4; Christ was quick and boldly replied with Scripture each time the devil attempted to tempt him. I heard over and over again some people in the group emphasize the need to always be strong and ready when the evil one strikes. While they spoke, I observed a woman whose countenance dropped and remained silent. After a while, she could no longer have it and said calmly but emphatically, “It is not all the time that I am strong to fight back. What happens when I get weary or tired as a result of being attacked repeatedly?” My heart immediately went out to her and I identified with her. There are times when I am very strong in faith and quick to reply any form of temptation. On the other hand, there are times when I do not have the strength to do so.

On one occasion after ministering to thousands of people, Jesus Christ retreated to pray. On his return, due to inclement weather, the boat had been moved far into the sea. Christ walked on the sea to meet his disciples, which obviously scared them—mistaking him for a ghost. To satisfy his curiosity that it was indeed Christ, one of his disciples, Peter, requested Christ to invite him to the sea, where he stood. Christ obliged him and Peter walked on the water. However, when he saw the intensity of the storm and the boisterous waves, he was afraid and started to sink. Just then, he cried out to Christ saying, “Lord, save me!”

I immediately responded to the woman and the group with what I am about to tell you. There are times when you will not have it entirely all together. There are times when you will not have the strength to fight back. There are times when all you want to do is give up. You have been battered, beaten, drained out, exhausted and fed up…I can go on and on. You literally say “Whatever! Let anything happen for all I care.” Those times may be rare but will come. Here is what to do. You may not have the strength to quote all Bible verses in the world because at that point you are probably too depleted to talk too much. Just like Peter, cry out “Lord, save me!” Yes, call out for help with these three words LORD SAVE ME. It is that simple. See what Christ did when Peter said those words, Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. Matthew 14:31. Jesus did not wait a second to respond, the Bible says “immediately.”

Dear friend, it works! I GUARANTEE you. I have tried it and it works. Like Christ, the Holy Spirit was commissioned to be your help. He is your Paraclete—the one called alongside to help you. Just as you dial 911 in times of an emergency, say “Lord save me,” when such distressing times arise and heaven will respond promptly.

From today, know without a reasonable doubt that when you are weak, Christ’s strength is sufficient to get you through.

When you call to me, I will answer you. I will be with you when you are in trouble. I will save you and honor you. Psalm 91:15

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