Monthly Archive: May, 2014

Sorry or Repentant?

People often think to be sorry and repentant are the same, but I am of a different opinion. There are situations whereby we do wrong or are wronged, and the word that usually… Continue reading

I Don’t Deserve To Be Treated This Way

We deserve to be treated well but we will not always be treated right. Everything may not go our way or as planned but we can choose how we respond by not repaying… Continue reading

Every Other Person Can Do It Also

What makes you different from others? What makes you unique? Unique means “existing as the only one or as the sole example.” Your uniqueness is reflected in your lifestyle and it will speak… Continue reading

Use What You Have

It is a usual occurrence that people wait for the perfect conditions to happen before they take action. Someone once said that the wealthiest place on earth is the graveyard—where buried ideas are… Continue reading

Look Up

Man or woman is not your source. I am sure you are surprised at such an abrupt opener, but it is true. Your existence and provision in life do not come from any… Continue reading

May is Here!

  Hey friends, I have been missing-in-action for the last few days because I have been preoccupied with my finals (exams). It is over now, so get ready for more 8minutewords! Hello May!… Continue reading