Look Up


Man or woman is not your source. I am sure you are surprised at such an abrupt opener, but it is true. Your existence and provision in life do not come from any human being in this or any universe. Rather, they come from the creator of this universe and beyond. It is amazing how we look at large successful organizations and know they are definitely run by smart chief executives, yet some believe our beautiful earth isn’t managed by anyone. They believe there is no God. This is so far from the truth. God created everything you can or cannot imagine. Everything starts with him and ends with him, hence the statement, “He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.”

Once we realize that God is the creator of the heavens, earth and everything within them, it changes our outlook on life. We no longer see people as the ones who call the shots in our lives. We no longer depend on others as our source for love, money, promotion, etc. This reminds me of a young girl who came from a very poor background in a small village. She had gotten a menial job in the next town. This job was the only one available to her after years of searching. However, she was faced with a dilemma; She had to walk the very long distance, which took so many hours to get there, leaving her completely exhausted, or succumb to the sexual advances of the only taxi driver in the village who offered her a ride to work daily as long as she slept with him once a week. She had to decide who her source of provision was.

Dear friend, from today if you had your eyes on a particular person(s) to provide your needs, put an end to it. You might ask, “Will God descend from heaven to meet all my needs?” The answer to that question is No. Nonetheless, I will take you back to what I initially said—God created everything. If He created everything, then He definitely does not have a problem getting your needs met or provisions delivered to you. Once, in the Bible, God sent some birds to feed a hungry prophet! Each day and night, they brought him the best juicy steak in town with sumptuous honey bread (I’m exaggerating a weeny bit but see 1 Kings 17:2-6). On another occasion, he used five loaves of bread and two fish to feed five thousand people! Plus, there were twelve baskets left! (Matthew 14:13-21) Amazing, huh? God is your ultimate source and will use any means necessary, human beings or not, to ensure that you have what you want. If you’ve been looking for that man or woman to satisfy your love needs, look no further but look up. If you’ve been looking at that top wealthy individual to sponsor you in that project, look no further but look up. If you’ve been contemplating selling your body for personal gain, don’t do it. Look up.

Do not look at people on your right, left, front or back but look up to God. A lot of people have looked up to influential people who were in positions to help them but were disappointed. Look up to the one who created the wealthiest and poorest individual on earth. Look up to the one who is the architect and builder of love. Look up to the one who owns every resource on earth. Look up to the one whose plan for you surpasses all your plans combined. Look up to the one who never disappoints. All you need to do is acknowledge Him as your only source, and center of your life. Once this is done, you can ask him for anything and he will speedily grant your heart’s desires. Look up to God.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2.

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