Use What You Have

use what you have

It is a usual occurrence that people wait for the perfect conditions to happen before they take action. Someone once said that the wealthiest place on earth is the graveyard—where buried ideas are kept! How true is this statement. The end of a lifetime comes unexpectedly and ideas never become a reality because perfect conditions never happened. As a result, the world is left plagued with so many issues; perhaps, those ideas could have been the solutions. Let me ask you a question that you may not answer now, but should seriously consider. If you were to die in the next hour, has that idea you have had for years been put to work?

I want to encourage you today not to wait for the perfect condition. Rather, this post serves as a tool to ignite you to START NOW. Safe this post somewhere, maybe on the home-screen of your mobile electronic device or computer, or print out to stick somewhere as a constant reminder. USE WHAT YOU HAVE TODAY FOR THE ONLY GUARANTEE IS THIS MOMENT.

Let me go further by giving some help. I will refer you to an issue that Jesus Christ solved. On an occasion, Christ had been speaking to a lot of people that numbered five thousand men (it must have been more than ten thousand people including women and children). His teaching was so good that it lasted countless hours. I’m certain that if his teaching was boring, Christ would not have had an audience! Instead, they continued listening to his teaching. After a while, Christ’s disciples came to him and told him it was getting late—the people had to go to their homes and were probably hungry. I believe Christ had compassion and appreciation for the wonderful and patient crowd, and wanted to feed all of them. How could he have fed so many people? Even the largest restaurants in town could not have been able to, at least on such short notice. This was a problem but Christ refused to be daunted. He had an idea. He asked a vital question—What do we have? Fortunately, the only available meal was the lunch of a young boy—five loaves of bread and two fish. That was a good start, but it could do nothing in feeding a grown man, not to speak of over ten thousand people! Here is what Christ did—He used what he had. Now read closely because this is the secret to using what you have. Christ took the bread and fish, and lifted it up to heaven and thanked God for it. He then gave it to his disciples to distribute it. They must have believed in Christ because they obeyed. If I were in their shoes, I might have wondered what difference it was going to make. However, the miracle occurred! The food satisfied everyone and there were twelve baskets left! (See Mark 6:30-44).

This miracle is mind blowing and a learning point for us. Perfect conditions do not need to happen before your impact can be felt globally. All you have to do is lift up to God whatever you have. What are your five loaves of bread and two fish? $500 to start a $5,000,000,000 company? A comb and pair of scissors for your barber’s shop? Only your beautiful voice? Nothing? Yes, you read right, NOTHING? If you do not have anything, you have a mouth right? Use it. Give it to God. In prayers, begin to thank God for the little you have and then…GET TO WORK! An attitude of gratitude will determine your altitude and magnitude. God will always multiply those who thank him for what they have, no matter how little. This is because thanking God is an indication that he gave it to you and is the owner. Anything that God owns automatically multiplies and grows. So from today, use what you have. If you know someone who is wasting his or her talent or skill because perfect conditions have not happened, be an awesome friend today and share this post with that person. You never might know how it may help. Lets refuse to bury our ideas!

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. Mark 6:41.

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