I Don’t Deserve To Be Treated This Way


We deserve to be treated well but we will not always be treated right. Everything may not go our way or as planned but we can choose how we respond by not repaying evil for evil. This indicates that not only are we mature, but we are a reflection of Jesus Christ. After being humiliated, disgraced and beaten beyond recognition, yet having the power to kill them all, hear what Christ said- “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Anytime we react in the same manner we have been ill treated, we give people control over our lives. A television remote control is to take charge and use our television sets as we so desire. There is a button to increase the volume and decrease it, as well as change channels. Each time someone intends to hurt us and we respond in the same manner, we indirectly tell the person that he or she remote controls us. Can you think of someone who aggravates you a lot? The person knows what buttons to press to get you out of control. That ought not to be so.

On the contrary, if we refuse to respond in like manner, we demonstrate that no person has control over our lives except God. Most times, the people that ill treat us either do not intend to hurt us or are just simply “ignorant” (my ‘holy’ term for foolish or stupid..lol..sorry). Christ was so unpredictable that no one could know his reactions in given situations. He depended on the Spirit of God in him. The Holy Spirit directed him in all his dealings with people. In other words, no one controlled Christ except the Holy Spirit in him. Can such be said about you? If I ask your friend about how to get you upset, will I get a correct answer?

Let me show you simple steps to use when you feel ill treated. When Christ was being accused and pressed to say something that was going to be used against him, he simply did not respond, but maintained his calm. Similarly, when confronted with a bad situation, before saying anything that you would regret in the future, maintain your calm. Be quiet and listen. During that process, say a little prayer internally and ask the Holy Spirit to help you not to get worked up. Ask for peace and the right words to say in order to manage the situation. So from today, refuse to be remote controlled by anyone. Instead be led by the Holy Spirit.

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. Romans 8:14 

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