Monthly Archive: June, 2014

Who Said You Can’t Do It?

Does this happen to you, or is it only me it happens to? Each time I’m about to do something new or something that appears to be difficult, my mind produces a million… Continue reading

Keep At It. Don’t Stop. It Will Come.

It is very obvious that we live in a fast or ‘instant’ age. Everything is done quick, as time ticks. Production hours are being cut down daily to increase number of units manufactured… Continue reading

God Loves You More Than You Think

Know today that you are loved more than you think. If you think a mother’s love is incomparable to no other, then you have gotten it wrong. The creator of the universe loves… Continue reading

Don’t Run From It, Deal With It

No one likes troubling or difficult times. In fact, if difficult times were an option, no one would choose such. However, the truth is that no one can escape difficult times. Some refuse… Continue reading

Today, Do Something For Someone Who Cannot Return The Favor

The next time you put on a dinner, don’t just invite your friends and family and rich neighbors, the kind of people who will return the favor. Invite some people who never get… Continue reading

I’m Sorry But You’re Not The Best

Ouch! I’m sure I struck a nerve, but it is true. There will always be someone somewhere who can do it better or more effectively than you, and that’s fine. People are actually… Continue reading

The Light Within & The Light Upon

I am currently in Nigeria for the summer. I would love to say it is a holiday, but it isn’t. I’m doing my field education/internship, which is one of the requirements for my… Continue reading

What You Do Matters More Than What You Know

I must confess something to you; I love new things. I mean brand-new-sealed-wrapped in the box-new things. There is a joy I get from un-wrapping stuff when I buy them. On occasions, I… Continue reading

Your Miracle Might Be In Your Response

Words carry weight. Saying them require minimal or no effort but their impact cannot be quantified. Just one word can cause a cold blooded war between countries, and at the same time bring… Continue reading

Will God Do It Or Do I Have a Part To Play?

“God will do it.” I hear this statement every now and then. This statement gets me excited at times but as well upset! There are situations where after all has been said and… Continue reading