What You Do Matters More Than What You Know


I must confess something to you; I love new things. I mean brand-new-sealed-wrapped in the box-new things. There is a joy I get from un-wrapping stuff when I buy them. On occasions, I have taken it to the extreme by leaving some of the tags on the products. The same goes with clothes or shoes. There are times I just leave them in the closet, still manufacture-packed, until an event arises, when I’m “debuting” the outfit. To be candid, there are some items of mine that I have admired so well, thinking of the glorious day/event I would wear them. Unfortunately, the day/event never came, and eventually, the style went out of fashion. How sad. On the contrary, when my fiancée gets something, she uses it immediately. The girl puts it to work on the spot! She gets a pair of shoes and the next day she’s rocking them. There are times she’s worn gorgeous outfits on “normal” days and my first reaction is “Is there an event we’re going for?” Her smile sends a message along the lines of “If I don’t wear it now, when would I? That “event” may never come so put it to use dude!” She has attempted ripping off my tags on several occasions but she knows its a red zone.

Jesus Christ said something that I find interesting in John 8:32, Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. The reason for my interest in this text is that a lot of people know the truth but do not live in freedom. The thief knows the truth that stealing isn’t right but still goes ahead with it. Knowing the truth does not set him or her free from stealing. There are a lot of ill habits that the Bible teaches against, which we have knowledge of, but still go ahead with it.

To address the problem, we must first understand the meaning of truth. John 17:17 gives that answer, Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. So, truth is the word of God. Every word that proceeds from God’s mouth can never be false or a lie. Therefore, knowledge of the truth, that is, God’s word, leads to a transformed life or life of freedom. Note my words, I said “leads to,” meaning such a person’s life is yet to be transformed or free. Just like me, having a brand new outfit wouldn’t make a difference, other than occupying space in my closet. It is when I wear the outfit outdoors that people would see it and give compliments. Similarly, knowing the word of God wouldn’t make a difference, other than occupying space in our heads, what I call ‘Head Knowledge.’ It is actually doing, putting to use or practicing God’s word that brings about freedom, and I mean noticeable freedom as well as complete transformation. This is why James goes further by saying, Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22. It is actually doing God’s word that sets us free, not just hearing or knowing it. How would you like to have a doctor who knows the surgical procedure to solve your medical problem but doesn’t know how to perform the surgery? Ridiculous, right?

From today, don’t treat the beautiful word of God as I do some of my purchases. Don’t just know about the word, put the word into practice and see how it will begin to work in your life. The word works wonders!

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22.

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