Keep At It. Don’t Stop. It Will Come.


It is very obvious that we live in a fast or ‘instant’ age. Everything is done quick, as time ticks. Production hours are being cut down daily to increase number of units manufactured and boost sales. Sports records are being broken continuously as players complete games in shorter durations. Its an instant age: instant noodles, instant cake mix, instant chat, instant messages, etc. The list goes on and on. Pans and cookers have been left redundant with the microwave becoming king. Everything must be fast, with the click of a button. Functionality has now been equated to response time. If it takes a long time, then something has to be wrong. If it is quick, then normal has been restored and everything is functioning properly. In fact, if it takes too long to perform a task, it is thrown out. Kindly do not misinterpret what I mean; Time is vital in certain concerns to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness. For example, if a restaurant business doesn’t manage its time properly and customers are left for hours waiting for food, it would not be long before such a restaurant goes out of business.

The problem is that many have put an end to their visions or dreams, because they were not forthcoming. Their dreams were not fulfilled within a short period of time so they buried it. Yes, I know there are situations when we realize that our vision is not realistic, hence the need to dream again. Someone who does not have a good voice but has a dream to be the world’s best singer might need to reconsider whether it is really worthwhile pursuing the dream.

There are those who know their purpose and have a dream but haven’t gotten that breakthrough yet. Since it isn’t forthcoming, they give up and lose all hope. It is important to note that there are certain things that cannot be forced, pushed, ‘made happen,’ or become instant. One of those things is visions/dreams. Time must be taken into consideration. When you sow an orange seed, you do not get an orange tree instantly. You have to wait until the seed becomes a plant and then a tree. Even when the tree is fully grown, you have to wait till the oranges are ripe for harvest. However, as a result of the instant age, many dreams that could have brought innovative and life-changing solutions to humankind have been tossed down the drain because they didn’t become a reality quick.

Dear friend, do not give up hope on your God-given dream. I know you have tried everything possible to make it happen, but you have to wait. Be patient. Patience is a word that we hardly hear about. It means calm endurance. The baby that is forcefully delivered before nine months is premature. Its mother must calmly endure nine months before delivery. So also with our dreams, we have to calmly endure. Keep working at it. Learn all you need to develop the dream and make it a reality. Constantly improve yourself. Wait patiently and see what happens. As I type this post, I see a cloud that is gradually taking in water. When the cloud gets full of water, it overflows and then raindrops begin to pour. So also, there is a process for your dream to crystallize or take shape, before it begins to pour out like rain. Your dream will bless the world so don’t stop or lose hope.

Let me share this beautiful verse of the Bible from Habakkuk 2:3

For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.

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