Who Said You Can’t Do It?


Does this happen to you, or is it only me it happens to? Each time I’m about to do something new or something that appears to be difficult, my mind produces a million and one reasons why there might be a problem and it may not work. Despite these funny reasons, when I go ahead with it, I produce outstanding results. Of recent, we had some workers who came to fix the roof of the house. They had a very long ladder to get to the top of the house. Just the sight of the ladder was scary because it had no form of extra safety. I watched one of the workers climb the ladder while it shook. If he had missed a step or lost his balance, he definitely would have plunged to his death, or perhaps, been seriously injured. However, he made it to the top of the house with his colleague doing same, not once or twice. I thought to myself, “If they can do it, I can too.” Just as I considered this feat, I had a million and one thoughts of how I would shake and fall, or how the ladder would slip, or how probably my weight was not is ratio with the weight of the ladder, or how a storm would suddenly come and throw me off the ladder; it went on and on. Irrespective of these thoughts, I climbed the ladder. I had not taken my seventh step when someone came yelling at me to come down because it was too risky. I was going to get badly hurt. Now, at that point, my mind doubled its talk! All I wanted was to get to the top. “Others did it. What did they have that I did not?” So I just focused on one step after the other. The ladder shook but I refused to be daunted. I eventually got to the top of the house and miraculously I did not fall..haha! It was like I won a lottery or climbed Mount Everest! As a side note, it was worse coming down than going up! Just the sight of the height could make a person pass out. However, I employed the same strategy, focusing on one step after the other and shutting out the distractions of people laughing and saying “be careful.”

I believe this happens to many people. We refuse to try new things or take on seemingly difficult tasks because our minds tell us we might not be successful at it. Due to agreeing with our reasoning, our potential is restricted and many opportunities that could have brought us a great deal of fortune (not only material or financial fortune) pass us by. There are situations where sheer common sense tells us that we aren’t quite ready for certain feats. A person who is below average in cycling and isn’t adequately trained should agree with his or her reasoning not to try winning the Tour de France.

On the other hand, our minds play funny games with us when in reality we have the ability to achieve our goals. “Are you sure you can do that? What if you fail? Do you have what it takes? You will be laughed at by all.” With these suggestions, we are put off. We say to ourselves, “It is better I don’t attempt it so I don’t lose. I will just play it safe.” Let me ask you a question, What if you win? Yes, if you can think “What if I lose?” how about thinking “What if I win?” It lies in your perspective.

One day, after an unsuccessful fishing trip, some fishermen were packing up their gear and ready to leave. Just then, Jesus Christ showed up and told them specifically where to throw their nets. They must have thought to themselves, “Are you kidding me, do you know who we are? We’re top notch professional fishermen. We have tried all professional fishing techniques and skills in the industry and here you are, giving us instructions where to throw our nets. It is not possible. There is no point.” I believe that the reason why they listened to Christ was out of respect for him. They accepted his word over what their minds told them. Following his instruction, they threw their net into the sea. What they had labored for during the day automatically became easy because of Christ’s instruction. To their astonishment, they got a net-breaking-boat-sinking catch! They caught so many fish that their nets or the boats could not hold the fish. Other boats came to help with the catch. Isn’t that remarkable? (See Luke 5:1-11).

Dear friend, when in situations where your mind tells you that you can’t do it, here is what I’ve learned. First, know what God sees and says about you. God cherishes you. To him, you’re a big deal. You’re his reflection and therefore great potential lies in you. He believes in you and knows you have the power to become greater and better than your current position. He has given you life not to merely exist but to become an epitome of love while serving humanity. He loves you. Once you know this truth, then nothing can stop you. Yes, you read right, you’re unstoppable! The only thing that can stop you is YOU. Once you agree with defeat, you become defeated and miss the opportunity. Second, refuse to listen to intimidating, belittling and fearful voices. Instead, knowing already what God thinks about you, focus on the goal you intend achieving. During this period, numerous reasons for not getting your desired goal would begin to flood your mind, but focus on your goal. Do what the fishermen did. They replaced those thoughts with Christ’s words and indeed got their results. Sometimes the things we fear the most never happen. Instead, they limit us from maximizing our full potential.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7.

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