Monthly Archive: July, 2014

Forget Limitations, You Can Still Be A Blessing To Others

I found this image very inspirational. It spoke to me on various levels but I will mention two. First, there are no limited people, only limited minds. If you can think it, you… Continue reading

Are You Wearing Peace?

I like people that dress well. I did not say ‘dress expensive,’ I said ‘dress well.’ Though some expensive clothing are really nice, the price of your outfit is not a guarantee for… Continue reading

Are You Still Evaluating?

I like the saying “There is room for improvement.” I know sometimes the statement is used as a softer or kinder version of “You did horribly. Do it again!” However, under normal conditions,… Continue reading

Start Your Week With Love…

Start your Monday and the days following with an attitude of love. Always forgiving and always compassionate. True love…God’s love, does not see wrong or evil, but covers a multitude of sin. Remain… Continue reading

Thank God It’s Friday! Now Please Rest!

TGIF friends! As we start this weekend, I want to encourage you to simply rest. Do you know that a good percentage of illnesses are due to stress? Not getting enough rest contributes… Continue reading

Hall of Mirrors

On the campus of Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, is a section of the hallway that connects the Learning Resource Center (“LRC”) to the Graduate Center (“GC”) on the 3rd floor, called… Continue reading

When You Least Expect It…

This is for you today… But those who trust the Lord     will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles     soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run     without getting tired. Isaiah… Continue reading

You’re Not Condemned. You’re Forgiven.

This is probably going to be a brief post but I know it would help someone today. I want to tell you that you’re forgiven. Some may raise an eyebrow as to what… Continue reading

Stay Humble. Stay Teachable.

If you have all the answers, you do not know all the questions. I have learned over the years that those who go about life with the perception that they know everything either… Continue reading

Something To Be Thankful For…

I found this pretty interesting. We do not know how blessed we are until we see someone who is still doing well in a worse condition. So today, kindly note that there is… Continue reading