Hall of Mirrors

hall of mirrors

On the campus of Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, is a section of the hallway that connects the Learning Resource Center (“LRC”) to the Graduate Center (“GC”) on the 3rd floor, called the Hall of Mirrors. Each day faculty members, students, staff, visitors, to mention a few, pass through the Hall of Mirrors to get to their various places of concern. It is not uncommon to see one or two people reduce their pace, or stop, to catch a full glimpse of how they look. The architecture of the Hall of Mirrors enables a reflection of your image from different angles, and you can bet it is a popular one-stop location for the ladies…and some dudes. Imagine seeing so many reflections of yourself: For once, it becomes all about you when you pass through the Hall of Mirrors. If you haven’t visited, you should. It is a pretty attraction.

As I had a personal quiet time this morning, I read the eleventh chapter of the book of Romans from the Message version of the Bible. One of the subjects Paul addresses is Self-Interest. The Israelites were chosen by God to reveal Himself to the world. As a result, a group of them developed a selfish attitude and were more interested in themselves while serving God on their own terms. They felt ‘God’s chosen ones’ called the shots and others either chose their way or the highway! With this attitude, they were shut out, or so it seemed. It was part of God’s big plan, which is another message for a future post. However, in summary, Paul’s message was that everyone was admitted to enjoy fellowship with God, and not only a particular a sect of people.

Today, some of us, like the group of people Paul mentions, have an individualistic or self-interest mindset. It is like living in the Hall of Mirrors: Eating, drinking, and sleeping, with our images reflecting back at us. We are interested in ourselves, and no one else. The common question heard is, “What is in it for me?” If there is no personal benefit derived, then it is not worth our time. Emphasis is placed on individual interest over common interest. The danger of individualism is that it goes against the order of creation. One of the reasons God created humankind was for fellowship: to function together as a group of loving people, working together for the greater good and interest of each other. This entails helping to bring out the best in others even if personal benefit is not derived. It entails celebrating with others while you await your own celebration. It entails speaking good about others when they aren’t there, instead of backbiting to make you look better. It is a ‘no strings attached’ attitude. The truth is that once the order of creation is breached, the opposite occurs–disorder. With disorder brings chaos, confusion and enmity in relationships, which is futile and destructive.

One thing I really like about Jesus Christ is that he is very relatable and practices what he preaches. He loves us so much that he gave his life for us. He gave of himself, and was not self-centered. You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. Love that does not give is no real love. Single ladies, if he isn’t giving of himself (time or resources), then he does not love you *Oops that’s a WORD! The same goes for guys too. Selfishness is synonymous with self-interest, and should be a cautionary signal in relationships. My suggestion? Follow Christ’s footsteps. This is what he meant when he said in John 13:34, A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. In other words, he is telling us to give of ourselves to others just as he gave of himself to the world. I believe there is nothing wrong with thinking in the interest of oneself. However, it becomes a problem when it is always all about the individual. Be committed to the good of others. Allow love to be channeled through you to others by giving of yourself, in time, resources or even as little as a smile. Be selfless.

So from today, come out from living in the Hall of Mirrors. Occasionally take a glimpse, but don’t live there!

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34

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