Thank God It’s Friday! Now Please Rest!


TGIF friends! As we start this weekend, I want to encourage you to simply rest. Do you know that a good percentage of illnesses are due to stress? Not getting enough rest contributes to stress. God designed our bodies to rest. Yet, we try to function like machines and keep going on and on. Even machines have been designed to have a break time, to recuperate. God gave us the perfect example of rest, when after six days of creation, he rested on the seventh day (Genesis 1-2). If the One who created you rested from his work, then who are you not to rest?

Take a break. The work would not run away. I have learnt that after a prolonged time of working, taking a break/rest is the best thing you can do for yourself. Why so? Because when you get back to work from a period of rest, you’re rejuvenated and ready to give better performance. On the other hand, your performance reduces when you keep expending energy without having time to revitalize. I believe strongly that Jesus Christ was so successful at his work because he always took time off with his disciples, away from the crowd. His 3-year ministry has had a huge impact on the world for more than 2,000 years because he was always full of the Spirit. He was full of the Spirit because he took out time from his busy schedule to rest and commune with God.

What are you doing that has taken so much of your time? Feel so drained? From today, no matter how busy you are, please take a break. Go for a short trip with your loved one during the weekend. Spend time with your family. Watch a movie. Go to an ice cream bar or perhaps go to the beach. Find a period of quiet time, just you and God, and talk with him. The work can wait, and the truth is that when you get back to work, you’ll probably do a better job. You’ll be ‘full of the Spirit’ when you return, ready to conquer the world! Go ahead. What are you waiting for? Do it now and then shoot me a message to thank me later *wink

Cheers! Have a fabulous weekend rest!

And He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.) Mark 6:31.

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