Are You Wearing Peace?


I like people that dress well. I did not say ‘dress expensive,’ I said ‘dress well.’ Though some expensive clothing are really nice, the price of your outfit is not a guarantee for the quality of your appearance. I have met people who look outstanding, and on discovering how much they paid, I am totally surprised at the low cost spent. Anyway, back to what I was saying; I like people that dress well. Coordination from head to toe is key when dressing up. I met someone who dressed so well until I looked at his shoes. Everything was right from his head to his ankles; nicely cut hair, crisp shirt, trendy tie and well-sized pants, but the shoes…five thumbs down. It was probably made in the 30’s. It totally reduced the quality of his appearance.

The reason why I’m discussing style is because I found something interesting in a letter Paul, a Christian missionary, wrote to the people of Ephesus, relating to clothing. His message to the Ephesians was that to withstand storms or challenges of life, they were to display Christ-like characteristics. He used an analogy of the whole armor of a Roman soldier to depict these characteristics (Bible reference: Ephesians 6:11-17). He strongly advised the complete armor, not some of it, but all of it. I looked at all the characteristics he advised such as faith, being right with God, knowledge of God’s word, etc, but what drew my attention was the soldier’s feet/shoes *wide grin* (I don’t know my obsession with shoes). For peace, Paul used the analogy of the soldier’s feet saying, “your feet must be fitted with the gospel of peace” (Ephesians 6:15). I don’t want to look well dressed, with horrible shoes. I want to look complete, which is my focus today; a peaceful attitude.

Are you wearing peace as your shoes? I believe it wasn’t a coincidence that Paul associated peace with shoes. Your shoes are so important because they help in protecting your feet wherever you walk. Also, as someone once said, “I can tell who a person is from the shoes he or she wears.” A peaceful attitude and lifestyle will serve as protection in your walk of life. Having a peaceful attitude reduces the number of enemies you have. When you go out, do people say, “hear comes trouble” and avoid you? Are you always picking a fight or very difficult to get along with? I believe a peaceful attitude on the outside starts from a peaceful attitude on the inside. I’m not talking about peace when there’s security or comfort, but a special kind of peace that exists in the midst of chaos and challenges. This peace comes only from Jesus Christ, and is easily available to all. I recommend you ask for it. When this peace comes inside you, it will reflect outside you, and people would notice a remarkable difference in your life. See what Jesus Christ said about this peculiar peace, I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

If you do not have this peace say this prayer.

Dear God, let my life be a reflection of peace, your special peace. Let my feet be for the gospel of peace so that wherever I go people would know there is a difference. Anyone who I have not made peace with, I make peace with them today. I make peace with you, God, and I make peace with myself. From today wherever I go, people will not say “trouble is coming” instead they will say “peace is coming.” Goodness, favor and mercy would continually be with me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

I am leaving you with a giftpeace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. John 14:27.

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