Monthly Archive: July, 2014

Jesus Christ Is Next To You, Can You See Him?

I had an epiphany a couple of days ago. Ok, I think the word epiphany is a bit dramatic, but it was an ‘A-Ha’ moment. I say so because sometimes we do not… Continue reading

Don’t Focus On Negatives

Have you wondered why it is very easy to be quick to point out faults or criticize people? I see this everyday among people and I am no exception to this attitude. Sometimes,… Continue reading

Kill The Snake Properly!

First of all, the title of this post does not imply harming animals, so kindly read on. I once had a professor who gave complicated exams. When the time for exams was near,… Continue reading

Rest In His Arms

I want to encourage you today to rest in Jesus Christ’s arms. His arms will protect and keep you in perfect peace. Give your worries and concerns to him and let him take… Continue reading

Congratulations! Now, Unto The Next!

Do you like winning? I do. Everyone loves victories. In fact, if you find someone who loves to lose, then there is a problem. With victory comes celebration. Since hard work is the… Continue reading

Happy July!

Dear friends, as today marks the 1st of July 2014, I want to congratulate you. You made it to the last day of the first half of 2014, which was yesterday, and you… Continue reading