Excuse Me, Are You In The Right Location?


I stumbled upon a sermon that I delivered at a church in Lagos, Nigeria. It was indeed a blessing to the people who heard it, and I would like to share one of the points I highlighted. It was from Psalm 1:3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Have you ever wondered the remarkable difference between the size of a plant and the size of a tree? Something that was so small initially, grows into something big. Among various factors, water is a key factor for a tree’s growth. A shortage in water supply will lead to a decline in the growth of a plant. Thus, trees that are located in close proximity to water sources have better chances of growth than others that don’t have water. As I meditated on this verse, I saw a similarity between a tree’s increase and the increase in a person’s life; the psalmist says he shall be like a tree. What stood out to me in this verse was location.

The tree/person that is located by the river has an advantage; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. So a natural question that arises is “What is the river?” In other words, since the river is the source to the tree, what is the source of a man or woman that causes him or her to continually prosper? The answer is God. God should be your only source. A lot of people have trusted in others but have been tremendously disappointed. I advise you to solely trust in God. Once you get plugged to him, he will guarantee your joy and happiness for life in spite of the challenges you face.

Just like the tree, your location determines your position for supernatural increase. Wrong location gives wrong position and no elevation. Right position gives right position and divine elevation. People choose their location based on population or popularity—“Everybody is going into the banking sector. They are making a lot of money, so I am going to do the same.” “Everybody is going into the oil business, so I will go there too. I hear its lucrative.” Your location is so vital because that is where God will bless you. You can be positioned in a place that appears to be irrelevant or mundane yet be an outstanding success because you are in the right location. On the other hand, you can be in a place that is perceived as greatly successful but be seen as a nonentity because such a place was not meant for you. Are you in the right location and plugged into the right source? An unsuccessful man was in his house pondering on what he was going to do with his life. He asked God, “Lord, where is my location? Where do you want me to function best?” Shortly, he looked into the sky and saw the inscription “GPC.” Immediately, he exclaimed “Thank you Lord! You said ‘Go Preach Christ’ (GPC)” So, he closed his ailing business and started a church, preaching Christ. Years later, he was still unsuccessful at his job. He went back to God, “I have had it! You said I should go preach Christ, and I obeyed, yet it is not successful” God replied “I said Go Plant Corn!”

So today, in prayers, ask God where he wants you to be, and be clear about it. It’s that simple. Say this prayer, Dear Lord, please show me the right location so that I can prosper and be a blessing to others. Let me receive a clear message so that I do not miss your instructions. Amen.   

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalm 1:3.

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