When Your Dream Replaces Your Identity…


I believe that every person is born with ambition or drive in them. Though it is hard to believe that some people actually have ambition from the way they conduct their lives, this truth still prevails. Ambition differs amongst various people; it is more prominent in some than in others. With ambition comes visions or dreams; the drive within compels a person to make his or her vision/dream become a reality. This drive necessitates our waking up at the start of the day to get to work and earn a living; our dreams to have nice families, live in nice houses, drive nice cars, ensure the welfare of others, build fortune 500 companies, save lives, start churches etc., must become a reality. There is nothing wrong with a person having dreams and ambitions. In fact the Bible explains that a person without vision is heading for destruction (Proverbs 29:18). However, it becomes a problem when a person’s dream replaces his or her identity. When a person’s dream and ambition takes over his or her entire life leaving no time for ones self, loved ones and others, therein lies the problem. In pursuing our dreams, we get so caught up that gradually our lives begin to lose meaning resulting in us being defined by what we do. Therefore our happiness is short-lived when failure comes knocking at the door.

Dear friend, you are not defined by what you do or your work. You are not your dreams or visions. You were created to create, and not to be your creation or buried in it. You were made in the image of God to rule and dominate, and not to be dominated by your work, dreams or visions. Yes, part of your design entails that you fulfill your dreams and become a blessing to others. However, when your dreams replace your identity, you lose your life’s purpose. I love one of Jesus Christ’s teachings in Luke 12. He shares the story of a very wealthy ambitious man who had a big harvest of crops. His harvest was so much that he did not have enough storage. Pridefully, he thought to himself that he would pull down his old barns and build bigger ones. He had amassed a lot of wealth that he believed he was made for life; You have stored up enough good things to last for years to come. Live it up! Eat, drink, and enjoy yourself (Luke 12:19). His self-conceit had blinded his eyes from checking the health of his soul and his attitude towards others. But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself? (Luke 12:20).

If you find yourself absorbed in your dreams or work, take a break and evaluate what you’re doing. There is more to life than your dreams and aspirations. Kindly do not misinterpret what I mean. Dreams and aspirations are very vital in your life’s purpose and fulfillment, but not more important than the health of your soul and where you spend eternity. In addition, sacrificing valuable relationships, such as family and loved ones, all in the name of “making your dream a reality” is a costly mistake. Accept Jesus Christ in your life as lord and allow him guide your every move. Do you know the added advantage of doing so? He will grant you the desires (dreams/aspirations) of your heart.

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. Psalm 37:4. 

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