Give It Some Time


We often have the tendency to reach our desired goals in little or no time. For example, we want to be successful fast, make money fast, be the best in our career fields fast and so on. While there is nothing wrong in desiring to reach a sought-after destination in a timely manner, there lies a potential problem. For every result, there is a time factor involved, which I refer to as the process of time. Attempting to bypass the process of time can be catastrophic on various levels. A major catastrophe as a result of bypassing the process of time is an immature or half-baked result. Imagine a pregnant woman trying to force her delivery after just one month of conception or a farmer trying to uproot his seed after just a couple weeks of sowing.

Dear friend, there is always a process of time and this period does not just merely exist. There is a reason for it. I strongly believe that the process of time or waiting period is a learning experience for us. It is a period of growth and development. The person who wants to quickly get married for the sake of it, without first understanding the purpose of marriage and adequately preparing for it, is heading for disaster. The process of time is a preparatory period for you to acquire the necessary skills to achieve your desired goal. When opportunity meets preparation, great things happen.

The process of time enables us to value the results we seek when they eventually become a reality. As a result, we do not take the product of our labor for granted. In addition, the best teachers are those who have a great understanding and have experienced what they teach. Jesus Christ plays a fantastic scenario that I believe is analogous to the process of time. He explains how a man built his house on the rock and how another man built his house on sand. When a dreadful storm arose, the house that was built on the rock withstood the grave weather condition while the other house collapsed. The process of time in building the foundation made up of rocks was obviously more than the time it took to build the foundation made up of sand. My advice? Be patient. Don’t force it. It would surely come.

. . . If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time. Habakkuk 2:3.

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