Take A Break. Rest and Reflect


I attended a special retreat after much persuasion from some friends. My reason for not wanting to go? I was, and I’m still busy. I am a stickler for planning and I did not have the event on my schedule. I am actually thankful for this ‘divine’ persuasion, as it availed me the time for wonderful fellowship with fellow seminarians in a spiritual atmosphere of love and fun. The need to rest and reflect amidst busy times cannot be overemphasized. I strongly believe that the account of God resting on the seventh day of creation in Genesis 2 was not thrown into the Bible for free, as a bonus to fill empty space. It is there for a reason. Someone once said that BUSY is the acronym for Being Under Satan’s Yoke. While I may not entirely agree with such a statement, there might be some element of truth to it. Sometimes, our busyness may distract, as well as prevent, us from intimacy with God, and fellowship with people. As a result, we are isolated from the rest of the world, giving room for the enemy to prey on us.

During periods of busyness, how is your intimacy level with God? Have you had time for personal devotion, in study of Scripture and prayer? When last have you spent quality time with loved ones? Remember, God is your focus. Often times, we confuse knowing God with knowing about God: Knowing God comes from intimacy, which is brought about by spending time with him, while knowing about God may come from much learning from religious books. Today, I implore you to rest and reflect, and see how God has brought you this far. I leave you with these words from the Psalmist, Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:4-5.

Have a blessed day and week ahead!

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