Better Is The End Than The Beginning


I want to specifically relate with those who feel strongly that their lives have not taken shape yet, and think maybe that it is too late for them, or its the end of the road. As I read through Ecclesiastes 7:8 this morning, I saw you, yes you reading this right now. “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.” You might not have started out right. Probably, you might have made terrible decisions that have cost you your family, finances, valuable relationships, to mention a few, but I want to encourage you today that it is not over until God says so. One thing that I have learned about God over the years is that he is long-suffering. In other words, his patience outlasts a lifetime, multiple times. Someone once said “every time is God’s time but human beings decide their time,” and I agree with this statement. The day you decide to take what rightfully belongs to you by God’s original design, you have set in motion your timing and God is ready to back you up. However, I know that there are people that have abused their God-given time, and leave this world without fulfilling their destinies. I am so glad that you are reading this because it automatically means you will not be part of that statistic of non-acheivers.

This post is two pronged. First, it addresses those who have not started out in fulfilling their dreams, irrespective of their ages. I admonish you that irrespective of how old you are, go for it! I just finished an intensive program and had a colleague who was over 70 years old in the same program! The professors did not cut her any slack because of her age but treated her the same way as other students. Though her rate of assimilation was slower than her colleagues, which sometimes led her to asking the same question more than thrice in a minute, she pressed on. She has a dream to teach but though she seemingly started late in life, she is on her way to her destiny! (Note: I said seemingly because though chronologically one may start late, I don’t believe it’s ever too late for anyone in God’s agenda). Second, I want to admonish those who have started but have not seen any fruit of their labor. They know for sure that they do what they were born for, but there isn’t any result. To this, I say the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Hang in there for as you read this, I know a shift for your good is about to take place. Indeed your cloud is full, and an outburst of rain is about to commence.

Hear these success stories:

1. Colonel Sanders, started at the age of 65: The name might not be familiar but his brand is familiar to people all around the world. Kentucky Friend Chicken (“KFC”) was founded by Colonel Sanders after the age of 65! At that old age he desperately tried to sell his recipe to restaurants and got around 1000 rejections before he managed to become successful. Do you think you are old to start over? then go to the nearest KFC, have a meal, and you will be motivated once again.*

2. Grandma Moses, started at the age of 76!: Grandma Moses was a very old lady but she started becoming passionate about paintings. Grandma Moses started to sell paintings for 2 and 3 dollars and as the time passed she became so successful that many of her paintings were sold for thousands of dollars. In 2006 one of her works was sold for 1.2 million dollars! You think you are too old right?*

3. Susan Boyle: After struggling with financial difficulties, partial mental handicap and death of her mother she became a famous singer at the age of 47! Now she is wowing the world with her beautiful voice.*

Start now!

Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

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*culled from and