Never Back Down


Dear friend,

I scribbled this down as fast as I could. No intros. No illustrations. Straight to the point.

The attack is against your purpose, to stop you from being who you are really to be. There is greatness within you—larger than your wildest dreams. The molestation, rape, intimidation, hardship, struggles, challenges, to mention a few,  happened/are happening to prevent you from fulfilling your ultimate purpose. Refuse to be shut out of your divine assignment on earth. Do not allow your wings to be clipped down by negative events. Fly! Fly!! Fly!!! What was meant to hurt you won’t ultimately kill or destroy you. You can either dwell on that mishap and allow it crush you, or refuse to be crushed by that negative influence. In other words, you can either permit that awful experience to be a stumbling block and prevent your destiny or see it as a stepping stone to your greatness. The decision is yours. My advice? NEVER BACK DOWN. Resounding deep down from your spirit, release the word FIGHT! Yes its a fight—between light and darkness for your soul.

It is not over until you win! Many lives depend on your victory!

Be blessed by this scripture

You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Genesis 50:20 NLT