I Won’t Stop!!!


Oh my my its been ages! *removing dust and cobwebs* I have been out of radar for a bit but it has been for a good cause. I apologize for this unavoidable break, especially to my faithful readers who have asked when I would resume writing. Truth is that I have been teeth sunk in helping a ministry fulfill its mandate and it has been an adventurous ride. More about that in subsequent posts.

I was processing my thoughts from 1 Samuel 1, and I was looking for a pen a paper to scribble. Just then I found myself here and I thought, “oh well, I will just do it here instead.”–talk about serendipity.

So I just read the aforementioned chapter of the Bible and I discovered a new found love for Hannah, and the tenacity of her faith. Here’s my rationale:

  1. She had attended so many Shiloh events and nothing was working but she never gave up or stopped attending even though year after year she was the subject of mockery by her ‘co-wife,’ Peninnah.
  2. Though she was bitter in soul, it was not reflective in her behavior to others. In Verse 14, Priest Eli wrongfully attacked her and almost kicked her out of the Temple presuming that she was drunk. She wasn’t; she was just sorrowful that she only moved her lips and prayed from her heart, which was misinterpreted for drunkenness. You try attacking me on a ‘bad day’? You will know the difference between Heaven and Hell (just joking..or maybe not). Instead of being mean, she replied him softly and calmly.
  3. She was very specific in her request and clearly outlined the terms of her vow- vs. 11
  4. This particular prayer was the game changer coupled with the affirmation of Priest Eli. Her sorrowful demeanor changed–she had received her answers even though it hadn’t manifested into reality.

Here are some pointers that I think would help.

  1. The fact that you worshipped God once, twice, etc. and that issue or answer you are looking for seems not to be forthcoming is not the basis for you to stop worshipping. Keep on worshipping God. After all, you don’t worship God based on what you can get from Him but because of who He is. Seek His face and not His hands.
  2. Bitter is not an excuse to be bitter to others even if you are right. Instead channel your bitterness to make you better, and shame the evil one!
  3. Stop praying vague prayers or making broad stroke requests. Be specific in outlining your needs by clearly laying out a petition before the Father, in Jesus Christ’s name. Don’t waste your time and His, by beating around the bush.
  4. Pray without ceasing. You never know which one will be the game changer. If you are a quitter, it is possible that the next prayer after your last prayer could have been the game changer. Don’t stop praying until you know beyond doubt that God has heard you.
