Break Free From It


Sometimes we are so stuck in our ways that we give God a tough time working through, and with us. Can you imagine how much God would do through us if we could put aside our traditions, beliefs, or systems of thinking and trust His leading? In Acts 10, salvation was coming to the non-Jews, and God chose Peter, a devout Jew, as the man to start the process. However, if not for divine providence, Peter could have missed this wonderful opportunity of being part of a mighty move of God because of his strong beliefs.

But the voice spoke again: “Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.” Acts 10:15

Peter was brought up in a culture that prevented him from associating with anything that it had declared unclean. But if he was going to experience God’s best for his life and be a blessing to his world, he had to break free from such ideologies and go with God’s plan. I am happy he did!

What strong beliefs do you have today that might be limiting you from fulfilling God’s best in your life? What area or initiative has God chosen you to set in motion but is different from your beliefs, the status quo or norm? You might be on to something big if you would allow Him to do His work through and with you.

Break free from it!