Shhh…sneak peek


Hey guys!

TGIF! I am grateful to God for a wonderful week and at the same time excited about what He is going to do this weekend at church. I will be sharing at one of the weekend services  and currently still in preparation mode. Funny thing is that anytime my wife asks me whether I am ready, my response is usually “no,” but God always takes control.

Anyway, while preparing, I had an interesting thought to share with my wonderful friends out here, a snippet from my sermon. I will not share what the title is but will share a small section that might be a blessing to someone out there. Its still work in progress so forgive me in advance.

  • I believe that just before a blessing, enlargement or victory comes, it is very crucial that you are heavily armed in mind, body, soul and spirit. If not you might miss that season of increase.
  • Many come close to the point of their enlargement but are cheaply cut short and off due to their lack of strategy or preparedness


  • The most painful part of a battle is just right before VICTORY
    • This is the part where the devil knows that you are almost there but attacks you with all ammunition in your mind, body, etc, to ensure that you back out
    • This is the part where you almost want to go back, quit and remain mediocre because it is more comfortable; the part where most people give up
    • This is why there are only a few people at the TOP

Dont quit.

David continued to succeed in everything he did, for the Lord was with him. 1 Samuel 18: 14 

Blessed weekend!