Are you on the fast lane?


On my way to work yesterday, I was about entering a fast lane expressway when intuitively I quickly stepped on my brakes because of a lady crossing. There was a pedestrian bridge overhead but I was shocked that she ignored the safer option. There must have been too many people in line waiting to get on the pedestrian bridge.

I honestly didn’t judge her but what got me perturbed was the manner in which she crossed over. Nicely dressed, she took her time; trying to prevent the wind from ruffling her hair, and slowly ‘catwalked’ on the fast lane! A thousand and one thoughts blazed through my mind. What if a reckless driver was driving at an uncontrollable speed? or a mother was reaching into her bag to get a pacifier for her screaming child while driving? This lady would have been history in a split second.

Just then I heard the voice of God whisper into my spirit,”If you are concerned about your looks then you have no business crossing the fast lane” This struck a bell! I want to encourage you my friend that is either currently embarking on a daunting project or going through tough times. You might be complaining about how you have lost valuable time that could have been spent with friends or loved ones, or perhaps doing other pleasurable things. This situation is indeed difficult and has taken you out of your comfort zone. Right now, this is what God is saying to you “You are on the fast lane at the moment, do not be bothered about your looks (the joy or comfort of the moment). Your spot light or celebration time will come. This is your sowing season and you will experience some level of discomfort but take heart I AM with you.”