Beauty In The Dirt

There is a certain type of unpredictability that I love about Jesus Christ. When you least expect it, He shows up for you. There’s something about having mixed emotions of surprise, joy and satisfaction all at once! It’s indescribable! I pray that Jesus will show up for you in an area of your life when you least expect it. Yes, I mean that very messy area.

In John 4, Jesus was on His way to Galilee but suddenly changed His itinerary and needed (John 4:4) to stop at Samaria. Most likely, you change plans if something more important than what you had initially planned for comes up . Surprisingly, we discover that the person Jesus showed up for wasn’t an “important” person, based on our (the world’s) standards. As a matter of fact, she would have been disliked by many. I admit that I fell into that category of judgemental people as I read this text.


I am certain that the Samaritan woman was humiliated, mocked and rejected by most people of her town. I believe this was possibly one of the reasons why she was found by the well at the 6th hour (12pm), which was an odd time to fetch water (John 4:6). As with the culture at that time, women fetched water in the morning, to start the day, or in the evening to end the day. However, Jesus needed to be there for her. She was His necessity; useless to others but so important to Him that He changed His schedule because of her.

Friend, please note that your disqualification by the world is your qualification by God. Nothing qualified her to be considered by Jesus. She was Samaritan: Samaritans and Jews hated each other. She had 5 ex husbands and 1 current boyfriend. She was a woman; as a Rabbi, the Law stated that Jesus should not have been talking to a woman; it was an appearance of impropriety and a ground for temptation. These reasons should have disqualified her, as others did to her, BUT not Jesus.

He graces the “nobodies” of this world to disgrace the supposed “somebodies”

Jesus showed her love, grace and truth, which opened her up to a change of heart. Stop beating and berating yourself concerning your past, there is greatness within you. You might think you are nobody, a non-entity, a waste, or perhaps doubting your purpose. Jesus came for you today! There is something in you. There is potential, purpose and Gods plan for you. In you, there is a group, a city, a nation, solutions, and much more than you think. There’s beauty in your dirt. Experience Jesus’ love, grace and truth.
