Don’t Miss The Content!

Sometimes the packaging of a thing might not be quite pleasing to the senses but the content might be superb! In many situations, I have discovered that people miss superb content because of poor packaging. If you are someone that’s fond of great packaging like myself, or you like things to be done decently, you have to be very intentional not to miss some blessings or great opportunities packaged in so-called ‘rubbish.’


It might be that someone said something to you but you missed the message of what they said because of how they said it. Believe me, no one wants to be talked down to, but can I propose to you that before reacting, why not process what they have said again and see whether there is light/truth in what they are saying? I’m sure this is one of the reasons God gave us two ears and one mouth; to listen twice as much as we speak or perhaps to observe twice as much as we react. Don’t miss your blessing as a result of your ego, even if you are right!

God gave us two ears and one mouth to listen twice as much as we speak