Stop Looking For Provision

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Yup…you read right..stop looking for provision.

People think it’s all about provision; flashy cars, houses, money, lavish lifestyle etc. While there is nothing wrong with having these things—as long as they don’t have you—it is important to put things into perspective and place our priorities right, if not we would miss the whole point. God rarely gives provision except there is a place you have been assigned to.

There is provision in the place where your purpose lies. 

In Genesis 1 & 2, God created the Garden of Eden (Place) with everything you could ever imagine; scenic views, exotic plants, blue crystal clear oceans, beautiful animals, magnificent cuisine, etc., including His presence (Provision). Afterwards, He created and assigned Adam to tend the Garden (Purpose). Instead of looking for provision, find your purpose in life, which will lead you to your place. In your place, there is provision. In other words, what were you born to do to serve humanity? Once you can answer that question, finding the platform to serve becomes easier. Truth is, when you give value, it always comes back to you. There’ll always be provision in fulfilling your purpose. I feel sorry for people who judge the future of others based on their current provision! Find me a person locating his or her rightful place and provision will be seen shortly.

P.S: This goes out to those that are single and are looking for spouses with money (provision). Wrong move friend. Find someone with potential (diligently finding his/her place) and provision will soon be found!