It’s A Good Fight!

WhatsApp Image 2018-09-22 at 8.56.52 PM

In fulfilling your life’s mission or God given purpose, make sure you do not back down or give up! Life will throw at you stones but you have to keep using those stones to go higher instead of being overcome by them. I really like Paul’s statement in 2 Timothy 4:7. It sounds like his final remarks as he concludes his life’s assignment;  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faithOver the next couple of posts, I will outline each of these three powerful statement’s he makes. However, I will switch things a little by outlining these statements as declarations. Today, lets look at the good fight.

I declare that I have fought a good fight! I refuse to be pitied or to be considered a second-rate. I will keep on fighting without backing down. I may have been born disadvantaged, into poverty, or penury, but I choose not to die that way. I may have gone through life threatening storms of life, but I choose to reign. I may have been knocked down severally, but I refuse to stay down. I rise up again and again. My past mistakes don’t define me. At the end I will win, for Jesus Christ is with me. I will fulfil my purpose and leave this earth positively with an indelible mark that can never be erased. Yes, I have fought the good fight! Started from the bottom now I’m here…at the top!

Truth be told, I asked this question when I read the text; If its a ‘good fight,’ meaning that at the end I will win, why do I still have to fight? Why not just give me the medal? Here’s what the Lord told me:

Because anything that you get cheaply can never be as valued as the one you fought for!