You’re Above

Do you know that you have what it takes, more than you could ever imagine, to rise above every adverse situation of life? There is a power within you, when harnessed, that can defy all odds against you.

Every law reigns until a new one is discovered to counteract it. The Law of Gravity states that, anything that goes up must come down. This Law held so until someone made a discovery that counteracted it—the Law of Flight (also known as the Law of Aerodynamics). The Law of Flight has always been present even before it was understood. It just took someone to discover it. Let me further illustrate with a unique bird called the Eagle.

Eagles, when born cannot fly. By default, they comply with the Law of Gravity, and if dropped, can plunge to their death. Though the Law of Flight is naturally embedded in them, they do not know. You cannot utilise or harness what you do not know you possess. When the time for the eaglet to fly nears, its mother removes the nest so it can get out. If the eaglet doesn’t get out, its mother takes it out and drops it from high. The eaglet begins to fall woefully to the ground, obeying the Law of Gravity. Just before it hits the ground, its mother catches it and takes it high up again. After several attempts, the flight nature within the eaglet gradually begins to express itself, by the flapping of its tiny wings. In a matter of time, the eaglet fully expresses the Law of Flight from within, defying the Law of Gravity without. Hence, when a storm approaches, to bring it down, it simply harnesses its nature within and goes above the storm.

The same applies to you. If you have a life in Jesus Christ, the same power that worked in Him also works in you—just like the same Law of Flight that works in the eagle also works in her eaglet. You are a child of the King. Whenever issues of life want to bring you to ground zero, harness the power of Jesus Christ—the power of the Holy Spirit—and rise above such issue. You do this by simply saying a prayer, and asking for His help. By connecting to Him from within, He guides you through the tunnel of darkness into light. So go ahead, from today, tap from that power within and win!

The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. Romans 8:11 NLT

Prayer: Dear Father, give me the grace to look within and tap the unlimited power You have given me to rise above all adversities. May I not be defeated by external circumstances but look unto You for strength in time of need in Jesus name I pray.

As a side note, you cannot harness the power within except you have a life in Jesus Christ. Only eagles rise above storms. If you do not have a life in Jesus Christ, kindly say this prayer:

Dear Jesus, I come to you as someone who doesn’t know you. Please forgive my sins and wash me with your blood. I accept you as my Lord and personal saviour. Thank you Jesus for saving me, write my name in the Lamb’s book of life. Now I know that I am saved, with a new life in You. 


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