Monthly Archive: August, 2020

A Heart For Others 4

Hi there! This is the fourth part of our series A Heart For Others. If you want to catch up, you can read the previous 3 parts ( click Part 1, Part 2,… Continue reading

A Heart For Others 3

Jesus Christ, while on earth, had a big heart towards others. He was indeed an embodiment of love. Someone once said that if you understand, and speak, a person’s love language, then you… Continue reading

A Heart For Others 2

We started a conversation concerning A Heart For Others in our last post. You can check it out here. Though the opinions of others do not define who you are, getting feedback from… Continue reading

A Heart For Others

Trust this meets you well. I’m sending you loads of light and love. Over the next couple of posts, I would be sharing on A Heart For Others. I have discovered that a… Continue reading

Change Your Label

1 Chronicles‬ ‭4:9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow There are some events or experiences that we go through, that… Continue reading