A Heart For Others 5

In everything you do, let your motives be pure. Ensure that there are no strings attached when it involves doing things for others. In other words, do it freely without the mentality of future entitlement. In this dog eat dog world that we live in, the order of the day is usually what one can get in return or how it benefits one. However, if you want to have a blessed heart and life, a wise person once said, “Don’t think less of yourself but think of yourself less.”

Truth be told, some people are not appreciative of any good deed done for them, and feel they deserve it. In other cases, people are close and nice to you as long as they can benefit from you. The moment such benefit is not available, they show their true colours and ditch you. A friend in need is a friend indeed. In whatever situation that you find yourself in, be the better one and do good. By ‘be the better one’, I mean challenge yourself to rise higher.

If you look at what people do for you first before you help them, you will never have a big heart

They said Hosanna to Jesus Christ one day after he had fed them, and said Crucify him the next moment, yet Jesus Christ loved all of them to the very end. I really love John 2:23-24. It has governed my interactions with people and proofed my heart.

 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,

Jesus did not commit Himself to people because he knew their volatility and unpredictability but this didn’t stop Him from showing them love. He did what was required of Him, going past His emotions or feelings. I believe this is how you empower yourself and invariably become a person of good quality–when you rise above your emotions (self mastery) and do the needful.
