What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

The natural human tendency when confronted with a challenge and you do not know what to do is fight, flight or freeze. By fight, you confront the situation not knowing what the outcome would be but you refuse to backdown at least without a fight. By flight, you run from the situation so as not to confront it. By freeze, you remain in the situation without doing anything, leaving it to chance or probability. For example, when one encounters a lion, some people will fight it, even though they might lose their lives. Others will flight, that is, run for protection. Some will freeze, and play dead, hoping that the lion would go away.

The truth is that challenges might not come as a dramatic as the lion example cited, but challenges come in different packages; what to study, where to work, who to marry, whether to stay or leave, the list is endless. What do you do when you do not know what to do?!

There are critical decisions that seem like you need advise from the wisest man on earth, but if you take the wrong decision, it might break you

If you find yourself in such as situation, please resist the urge to be pressured, because of time and external factors, to act in haste. The world will not end because of that challenge, so wait! 

More often than not, hasty decisions lead to regretful events

You would be made to think that you do not have the time. As a matter of fact, you would be presented with an alternative, a faster solution, a short cut to get the problem solved immediately. Under such pressure, false pictures of what might happen if you do not act quickly will flood your mind. However, in the long run, the enemy is setting your destiny for an epic fail and fall, should you choose the hasty route. So once again, resist that urge to act in haste.

Sometimes, certain things are delayed from happening in our lives, and in those times, the quality of our hearts is tested

Hastiness can cost you your position in life

Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes. Proverbs 19:2 NLT

The reason why you do not have the answer to that situation is because you do not have the required knowledge in the challenging area. However, when you know what to do, that challenge that seemed so huge becomes little. Enthusiasm will drive you, but it is knowledge that will get you to your desired location. When you know better you do better. So wait and don’t be in a hurry! 

In the place of waiting, you possess knowledge of what do and when that knowledge is applied, it catapults you out of misery!

I am sure you might begin to wonder what this wait is all about. Doesn’t waiting entail doing nothing? The answer is No. Let me tell explain to you a different concept of WAIT.

Oops my eight minutes is up! I will continue our conversation on our next post. Meanwhile, do you find yourself in a hurry all the time? How can you apply Proverbs 19:2 to your life?

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