Category Archive: Uncategorized

A Word For Your Day

Do not be afraid, for God is on your side. You can do the impossible because you have the Creator of the universe working with you, through you, in you and for you.

The Best Gift You Can Ever Give Yourself

No, it’s not chocolate or that dream holiday vacation! There was a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. One of his servants owed him ten thousand bags of gold. Since… Continue reading

If you are single and searching this is for you…

Thank God For True Friends

True friends are very rare. God connects us with them to build us and grow together in fellowship. If you are thankful in particular for a friend(s), take a few minutes now to… Continue reading

OMG…I Never Knew God Gave Love-bites!

Psalm 23 is a very popular chapter in Christendom. At a very young age, I clearly remember being taught David’s “The Lord Is My Shepherd” psalm. To this day, it is still as… Continue reading

What Do You See In This Image? Take A Closer Look

Image: What do you see in this image of a forest? Take a closer look. You can see a wooden path or road, right? You can also see it is broken midway, right?… Continue reading

3 Facts You Should Know…

3 Facts You Should Know About Who You Are In Christ. 1. You are blood bought. Christ offered his life for you on the Cross of Calvary. He paid for your sins with… Continue reading

The Reason Why They Say You Are Different…

Satan is a thief. He has been in the business of stealing for a while. He tried to steal God’s position when he was in heaven but he failed (Isaiah 14:12-15). Unfortunately, Adam… Continue reading

Why Is My Prayer Not Working?

Trust me, I have seen all kinds of prayers from people of all backgrounds. From prayers shorter than a blink, to prayers that would put an insomniac to sleep. I have seen people… Continue reading

Nothing Can Stop You

Each time there is an emerging generation, the kingdom of evil is threatened because therein lies world changers and solution bearers. As a result, war is waged against such a generation to stop… Continue reading