Category Archive: Uncategorized

What Should I Do? Help! I’m Uncertain

One thing that cripples us from achieving greatness in our spheres of influence is uncertainty. Uncertainty is not entirely a bad thing in itself, however it is what we choose to do in the… Continue reading

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

I was going through the book of Matthew of the Bible, and stumbled on the fourteenth verse of the fifth chapter, You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill… Continue reading

Excuse Me, Are You In The Right Location?

I stumbled upon a sermon that I delivered at a church in Lagos, Nigeria. It was indeed a blessing to the people who heard it, and I would like to share one of… Continue reading

Your Help Is From Above

In Search Of Your Life’s Purpose? Try Going Back To Your Childhood

I have an observation, and I would like to share it with you today. It is not a universal law but I have seen it occur in the lives of many, including myself.… Continue reading

The 8th Month is Here!

Time does go by really fast. I can remember January 1st just yesterday, and now we have four more months to go before the end of 2014! Wow! Here’s wishing you a happy… Continue reading

Forget Limitations, You Can Still Be A Blessing To Others

I found this image very inspirational. It spoke to me on various levels but I will mention two. First, there are no limited people, only limited minds. If you can think it, you… Continue reading

Are You Wearing Peace?

I like people that dress well. I did not say ‘dress expensive,’ I said ‘dress well.’ Though some expensive clothing are really nice, the price of your outfit is not a guarantee for… Continue reading

Are You Still Evaluating?

I like the saying “There is room for improvement.” I know sometimes the statement is used as a softer or kinder version of “You did horribly. Do it again!” However, under normal conditions,… Continue reading

Start Your Week With Love…

Start your Monday and the days following with an attitude of love. Always forgiving and always compassionate. True love…God’s love, does not see wrong or evil, but covers a multitude of sin. Remain… Continue reading