Tag Archive: Fight

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

The natural human tendency when confronted with a challenge and you do not know what to do is fight, flight or freeze. By fight, you confront the situation not knowing what the outcome… Continue reading

It’s A Good Fight!

In fulfilling your life’s mission or God given purpose, make sure you do not back down or give up! Life will throw at you stones but you have to keep using those stones… Continue reading

Never Back Down

Dear friend, I scribbled this down as fast as I could. No intros. No illustrations. Straight to the point. The attack is against your purpose, to stop you from being who you are… Continue reading

What To Do When Faced With Tough Issues

Sometimes when confronted with life issues, there is a likelihood to be overwhelmed especially if a way out isn’t forthcoming. Decisions such as where to school, who to marry, where to work, what… Continue reading