Tag Archive: Happy

Happy October

A big shout out to those born in October! May amazing occurrences come your way, and most especially, may the Peace that passes all understanding be yours. As we begin this new month,… Continue reading

Don’t Miss The Content!

Sometimes the packaging of a thing might not be quite pleasing to the senses but the content might be superb! In many situations, I have discovered that people miss superb content because of… Continue reading

Beauty In The Dirt

There is a certain type of unpredictability that I love about Jesus Christ. When you least expect it, He shows up for you. There’s something about having mixed emotions of surprise, joy and… Continue reading

Today Matters

Yesterday is over. Tomorrow is a future waiting to happen. Today is NOW. You are NOW. Seize every moment of it. Love like its your last, even though its not. Give that loved… Continue reading

Cultivate Your Seed Now

Hi friends, I want to share with you today three points to ponder on as you embark your journey in life, with questions. Whatever you put in will return to you in kind.… Continue reading

Hello September!

I know this is coming in late. I have been extremely busy but…happy month of September! May your month be full of bliss and peace. This month, take it upon yourself not to… Continue reading

The 8th Month is Here!

Time does go by really fast. I can remember January 1st just yesterday, and now we have four more months to go before the end of 2014! Wow! Here’s wishing you a happy… Continue reading

Something To Be Thankful For…

I found this pretty interesting. We do not know how blessed we are until we see someone who is still doing well in a worse condition. So today, kindly note that there is… Continue reading

Happy July!

Dear friends, as today marks the 1st of July 2014, I want to congratulate you. You made it to the last day of the first half of 2014, which was yesterday, and you… Continue reading

The World Didn’t Give It To Me

Every human being requires strength—to move, carry out daily routines, lift heavy objects, study and much more. Strength is the state of having physical power and energy. It may also be described as… Continue reading