Tag Archive: Love

A Heart For Others 5

In everything you do, let your motives be pure. Ensure that there are no strings attached when it involves doing things for others. In other words, do it freely without the mentality of… Continue reading

A Heart For Others 4

Hi there! This is the fourth part of our series A Heart For Others. If you want to catch up, you can read the previous 3 parts ( click Part 1, Part 2,… Continue reading

A Heart For Others 3

Jesus Christ, while on earth, had a big heart towards others. He was indeed an embodiment of love. Someone once said that if you understand, and speak, a person’s love language, then you… Continue reading

A Heart For Others 2

We started a conversation concerning A Heart For Others in our last post. You can check it out here. Though the opinions of others do not define who you are, getting feedback from… Continue reading

A Heart For Others

Trust this meets you well. I’m sending you loads of light and love. Over the next couple of posts, I would be sharing on A Heart For Others. I have discovered that a… Continue reading

Change Your Label

1 Chronicles‬ ‭4:9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow There are some events or experiences that we go through, that… Continue reading

Stop Looking For Provision

Yup…you read right..stop looking for provision. People think it’s all about provision; flashy cars, houses, money, lavish lifestyle etc. While there is nothing wrong with having these things—as long as they don’t have… Continue reading

Beauty In The Dirt

There is a certain type of unpredictability that I love about Jesus Christ. When you least expect it, He shows up for you. There’s something about having mixed emotions of surprise, joy and… Continue reading

Today Matters

Yesterday is over. Tomorrow is a future waiting to happen. Today is NOW. You are NOW. Seize every moment of it. Love like its your last, even though its not. Give that loved… Continue reading

Are you on the fast lane?

On my way to work yesterday, I was about entering a fast lane expressway when intuitively I quickly stepped on my brakes because of a lady crossing. There was a pedestrian bridge overhead… Continue reading