Tag Archive: Purpose

Change Your Label

1 Chronicles‬ ‭4:9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow There are some events or experiences that we go through, that… Continue reading

Stop Looking For Provision

Yup…you read right..stop looking for provision. People think it’s all about provision; flashy cars, houses, money, lavish lifestyle etc. While there is nothing wrong with having these things—as long as they don’t have… Continue reading

Beauty In The Dirt

There is a certain type of unpredictability that I love about Jesus Christ. When you least expect it, He shows up for you. There’s something about having mixed emotions of surprise, joy and… Continue reading

Break Free From It

Sometimes we are so stuck in our ways that we give God a tough time working through, and with us. Can you imagine how much God would do through us if we could… Continue reading

When Last Have You Said Thank You?

Luke 17:11-19 of the Holy Bible tells the story of ten lepers that came across Jesus Christ. During biblical times, lepers were overlooked and rejected by society but Jesus Christ never considered anyone… Continue reading

Cultivate Your Seed Now

Hi friends, I want to share with you today three points to ponder on as you embark your journey in life, with questions. Whatever you put in will return to you in kind.… Continue reading

Never Back Down

Dear friend, I scribbled this down as fast as I could. No intros. No illustrations. Straight to the point. The attack is against your purpose, to stop you from being who you are… Continue reading

Its Good To Be Back!

Hello friends, I have been missing in action for a while but my most sincere apologies. A lot has happened in the last couple of months, which has kept me out of radar—moved… Continue reading

It’s Time To Break Free

What is that which limits you from becoming God’s best? What has prevented you from your life’s purpose? What has stopped you from being better? Today is your day to break free from… Continue reading

When Your Dream Replaces Your Identity…

I believe that every person is born with ambition or drive in them. Though it is hard to believe that some people actually have ambition from the way they conduct their lives, this… Continue reading